
Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City
40 Years and still going strong!

Select an Amount

* May we suggest a $40, or larger, donation in honor of the Boys & Girls Club of Catheral City's 40th Anniversary this year.

Note: Clicking a payment button will take you to PayPal.com for payment processing. There you may choose to pay as a guest by clicking "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" or as an existing PayPal customer by logging into your PayPal account. If you prefer to make other arrangements, please call 760) 770-4965.

Join other Friends of BGCCC with a recurring donation
Friends of BGCCC are people like you who believe that we are making a difference in children's lives. Funds received through recurring donations are used for operational expenses and on-going programs for the youth served by the Club. 

If you have any questions please call
The Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City at 760) 770-4965 or e-mail info@bgcccity.org.

Annual Sponsors

Foundation Supporters

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